cambridge contemporary art

Ian Brooks

My work focuses on landscape, aiming to capture the unqiue atmosphere and sense of place of a location through close observation. A particular obsession is the remote, bleak, often inhospitable and fragile landscapes of the polar regions in which I have spent considerable time working over many years as an academic in the field of climate science.

I work primarily with the traditional etching techniques of sugar lift and spit-bite aquatint, building up the image in layers of tightly-controlled drawing, and more abstract, loose, semi-random marks which mimic the natural textures of the landscape. While working on the etchings I find a constant tension between a natural tendency towards realism and finely rendered detail and a desire to simplify and abstract the image to achieve a looser rendering – trying to maintain the energy of sketches made out in the wild.

Don’t hesitate to email us on or call us on 01223 324222 if you have any questions about specific pieces.